Although high blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the commonest ailments, most people who have it won’t know about it
unless their doctor has taken a blood pressure reading or they have had the misfortune to experience one of the consequences,
such as heart attack or stroke.
But when you do know that the precise level of your blood pressure is something that you personally need to take care of, there are
a number of things that can be done.
The Lower Your Blood Pressure Hypnosis Collection from The Darren Stephens Personal Enhancement Series has
been devised to capitalise on the brain/body connection (the fact that mind and body cannot help but influence each other) to lower
your blood pressure and lower the need for medication.
Darren Stephens, with over 25 years experience in the field and recognised as one of the World’s Fastest Hypnotists, has developed
this breakthrough range of tools to help people achieve their goals and live the life they were born to live.
He recognises that Your Mindset is the key to your health and well being. Getting your mindset right will help you to clarify your
goals and help you take action to achieve them now.
This collection includes these 5 tracks essential for anyone wanting to lower their blood pressure: